Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


The White House has modified its Iraq Special Report webpage from May 1, 2003.

That day, the White House website announced that "combat operations have ended in Iraq." Or at least that what visitors to the site thought they read. Now, a second look indicates they have announced that "major combat operations have ended in Iraq."

In the president's defense, he did say, in the text of his speech, that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

Perhaps the website headline was a mistake. Or maybe they were trying to have it both ways by having President Bush give those remarks, while the website made things seem rosier than they really were. Regardless, this edit is just one indication that the administration is obviously concerned about the situation, and public opinion at home.

Now, we're getting reports that they will finally seek another United Nations resolution to get much needed international support for rebuilding the country. At the very least, perhaps the State Department once again has the president's ear.


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