Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


Dime debate pits Reagan against FDR.

The odds of this bill going through are pretty slim. It's just another attempt by a coalition of conservative House members to kiss up to their base. The larger question is why did they choose the dime as the currency to place Reagan's likeness on? The answer is obvious. To them, the New Deal represents the dark ages of US history.

What they fail to recognize is that there are certain times when the government must intervene in the market in order to make it work for the citizens it serves. The New Deal was one such time, and FDR continues to be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in US history.

I read a book a few years ago called FDR and His Enemies. After reading it, I gained a new respect for this man, the last person to be elected to four terms as president before the Republican controlled Congress decided that term limits for the Chief Executive were a good idea.


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