Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


For Edwards, it all comes down to South Carolina

Today's primaries/caucuses should definitely reshape the field of Democratic candidates. Sen. John Edwards will move forward with a victory in South Carolina. I would expect Sen. Joe Lieberman to drop out after tomorrow unless he can pull an unforeseen upset somewhere. Likewise, if Gen. Wesley Clark doesn't win a state, it's going to be hard for him to keep going.

At the same time this is going on, President Bush's approval rating hit a new low this week. The drop in the president's rating coincides with the publicity over the Democratic delegate chase, as well as the increasing scrutiny the president is receiving over the lack of WMDs in Iraq. I did find it revealing that the president didn't seem to get the normal State of the Union bounce in the polls. The election is ten months away and these polls will be meanginless then. However, it serves as a warning to supporters of the president who have thus far underestimated the his chances of losing his reelection bid.


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