Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


E-Vote Controversy Comes to Commission

This whole voting machine controversy is just a ticking timebomb. My fear is that bomb will explode in November throwing yet another Presidential election into chaos. Moving from the hanging chads of punchcard ballots to insecure electronic voting machines with no paper trail is not progress in my eyes.

Why is it this country cannot figure out how to do the most important thing a representative democracy does (voting)? I'm to the point where I think we need to forego all this voluntary guidelines talk. Perhaps we should just decide on one specific standard and all vote the same way. What a concept.

For those who would scream "states rights," I remind you that the Supreme Court invoked the equal protection clause of the Constitution to stop the recount in Florida in 2000. Translation: different counties voted different ways so they decided the recount itself violated the rights of voters.

In Milwaukee, we use the marksense ballot where you fill in a little arrow next to your candidate of choice and feed your completed ballot into an optical scan machine. It seems to work well enough. Maybe we should try it everywhere.


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