Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


Military records counter a Kerry critic

Hello truth, good to see you. In case you missed it, this is the article from the Washington Post today in which Larry Thurlow's accusations about John Kerry's military service are discredited.

Thurlow commanded a swift boat in Vietnam and recently swore in an affidavit that Kerry's boat did not come under fire when he rescued Jim Rassmann from the river leading to his bronze star.

By filing a Freedom of Information Act request, the Post was able to retrieve some of Thurlow's military records which state that they did in fact come under fire. I especially like this sentence in the article, which says it all:

(Thurlow) said he was unwilling to authorize release of his military records because he feared attempts by the Kerry campaign to discredit him and other anti-Kerry veterans.


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