Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


Bill O'Reilly wins Media Matters' award for Misinformer of the Year.

Here are ten primary reasons why the organization awarded the Fox News. Click on the link above for more detailed explanations of each complete with sources.

  1. O'Reilly falsely claimed Bush didn't oppose 9-11 Commission.
  2. Falsely claimed Iraq had ricin.
  3. Repeated discredited claims on Iraq-Al Qaeda link.
  4. Fabricated "Paris Business Review" as source for success of French boycott.
  5. Cited phony stats to argue that taxes on rich are excessive.
  6. Confused on elementary economics.
  7. Doctored quotation to suggest Soros wished his own father dead.
  8. Questioned if Kennedy would show up to Democratic convention ... as Kennedy spoke behind him.
  9. Disparaged Democrats with trifecta of voter falsehoods.
  10. O'Reilly on the radio: Three lies, one broadcast. Lie No. 1: Bush tax cuts didn't create the budget deficit. Lie No. 2: "Socialistic" French, Germans, and Canadian governments tax at 80 percent. Lie No. 3: Canadian, British, and French media are "government-controlled," but Italian media is free.


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