Smart Studios in Madison hit by runaway backhoe.
The studio, owned by producer Butch Vig (drummer for the band Garbage) suffered around $50,000 worth of damage in this heinous attack.
Fortunately, the lovely Smart Studios' website came away unscathed.
Several alternative rock luminaries have recorded at the studio, including Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and Killdozer.
Another weekend time waster for you. Atari's Adventure in Flash.
Odd Todd's Cookie Slots is here.
For background on Odd Todd, visit his website, and check out his cartoons.
Macromedia Flash player required.
Cell phone services fear portability.
Starting November 24, customers will be able to retain their existing mobile phone number when they switch to a new carrier.
Vote for Wisconsin's commemorative quarter.
The quarter will become available in 2004 in the order of Wisconsin's formally becoming a state. Wisconsin became the 30th state to join the union on May 29, 1848.
Reforming the United Nations.
It's not just the United States that is upset the UN and security council are failing. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is calling on member nations to address the situation in upcoming meetings.
The disagreement on Iraq was the most recent example of a growing problem. Mr. Annan also criticized the organization for its failure to stop the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994 as well as the massacre of Bosnian Muslims in 1995.
President Bush addresses supporters at a campaign rally for Mississippi gubernatorial candidate Haley Barbour.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bush's poll numbers continue to fall.
In other news, the administration is now claiming there is no link between the 9/11 attacks and Saddam Hussein. National Security Advisor Condaleeza Rice says the administration never claimed there was a link.
The White House has evidently embraced the idea that the end does justify the means. While they certainly never plainly stated Saddam Hussein hit the World Trade Center, it's obvious they hinted that the former Iraqi leader was was linked to the attacks in the state of the union and numerous other speeches leading up to the war in Iraq.
"American Recordings and Johnny Cash would like to acknowledge the Nashville music establishment and country radio for your support."
Hello, I'm Johnny Cash. (1932-2002). These famous words from a man who did it all on his own with the big help of his wife June Carter Cash (1929-2002). Brewtown thought we'd post a picture (above) of Johnny Cash thanking Country music radio waves, and Nashville on all their help making this man a legend, and a superstar.
Gen. Wesley Clark will likely announce this week that he is a candidate for president.
Clark would become the 10th candidate in a crowded race to be the Democratic Party's nominee for the country's top job. He's likely to shake things up to the point where some existing hopefuls may bow out before the first primary in New Hampshire.
As mentioned previously on this blog, Clark's impressive resume could lend the Democrats credibility on military issues, something the party's been lacking since the days of George McGovern.
Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that many in the media and in the Republican Party have been scoffing at the list of candidates as if none of them have a chance. What they need to remember is that one reason Al Gore lost the presidency to George W. Bush was the constant underestimating of his political ability. The GOP may be in the process of making that same mistake.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 defined George W. Bush's presidency.
The attacks mark a turning point in his presidency in that questions over the 2000 election were vanquished, and a new purpose was given to him. Mr. Bush has used the 9/11 events to justify any number of policies ranging from the war on Iraq to oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Whether or not the president wins re-election in 2004, his presidency will be forever linked with these tragic events in the eyes of history.
Japan has 20,000 residents over the age of 100.
According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the life expetency in Japan is 84.41 years for a woman, and 77.63 years for a man. That compares with 80.05 years for a woman and 74.37 years for a man in the States.
As stated in the news article, Japan is increasingly concerned about caring for the elderly. That issue also awaits us in the U.S., as Congress now tries to pass a bill implementing a prescription drug benefit under Medicare.
The Twin Cities street grid has become a giant board game.
Here's how this works. People register online, and join a team. Each team member gets a vote on where their game piece should move next. The goal is to get your team to the end first.
There is something fascinating about a giant game piece waltzing down an urban street.
Political columnist Al Martin writes that former US Ambassador Joseph Wilson's battle with the Bush Administration is starting to heat up.
Ambassador Wilson reportedly submitted a report to the Bush Administration before they made their case regarding uranium sales to Iraq. According to Wilson, the allegations were false.
In retaliation, the administration is said to have publicly leaked that Wilson's wife was a 26 year undercover CIA agent. In addition, her overseas assets were reportedly completely liquidated.
Who's behind this mysterious series of events? If Martin's column is correct, none other than everyone's favorite shadow government, Karl Rove.
The White House has modified its Iraq Special Report webpage from May 1, 2003.
That day, the White House website announced that "combat operations have ended in Iraq." Or at least that what visitors to the site thought they read. Now, a second look indicates they have announced that "major combat operations have ended in Iraq."
In the president's defense, he did say, in the text of his speech, that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."
Perhaps the website headline was a mistake. Or maybe they were trying to have it both ways by having President Bush give those remarks, while the website made things seem rosier than they really were. Regardless, this edit is just one indication that the administration is obviously concerned about the situation, and public opinion at home.
Now, we're getting reports that they will finally seek another United Nations resolution to get much needed international support for rebuilding the country. At the very least, perhaps the State Department once again has the president's ear.