Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


Taxes, gays, abortion targeted by Texas GOP.

Texas Democratic Chairman Charles Soechting calls the party's platform the "longest political suicide note in modern Texas history." You guys are nuts down there in Texas, although I realize you're merely kicking and screaming your way into the modern era. If Soechting is wrong about the platform harming the GOP, I can't wait until the ad rollout for the war on sodomy. It's sure to be a hoot.

The American Family Association is ready to join the fight. In fact, they've got an online poll you can take regarding the homosexual agenda's presence on television. The search continues for the AFA poll about such unentertaining television shows as Fear Factor, the Swan and America's Funniest Home Videos.

The AFA is another one of those organizations who raise a stink about role-playing games, Harry Potter, and Pokemon. As ridiculous as these groups are, at least they provide a good laugh for the rest of us.


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