Brewtown Politico

Carrying a little stick and speaking loudly in Milwaukee


Madison vs. Milwaukee for public health school

The University of Wisconsin is in the process of creating a new school of public health. So far, plans have been on track for UW-Madison to rename its medical school to the UW School for Medicine and Public Health. That hasn't stopped Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett from pushing hard to have the school located at UW-Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial weighed in last week in favor of having the school at UWM. Today, the Wisconsin State Journal responds by pretending to play the role of peacemaker while endorsing having the school in Madison.

Granted, UW-Madison has an existing medical school, and UWM does not. The larger picture should be where a school dedicated to improving public health belongs. I would argue that it belongs in Milwaukee, a city more affected by the problems that the new school of public health will try to address.

Hat tip to New Milwaukee.


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